5 Twitter accounts about Digital Transformation you can’t miss

Digital transformation is at the order of the day. More and more companies, aware of the importance of the digitization process, have as their strategic priority their technological transformation. To be more specific, 53% of Spanish companies contemplate it in their plans for 2019.
Aware of the importance of being up to date with the latest news, trends and innovations in the world of digital marketing, we want to help you.
Twitter is one of the best knowledge dissemination tools. Microblogging network par excellence, it hides great communicative potential, already supported by many experts in the sector. That’s why we’ve created a list of some of the best Twitter accounts related to Digital Transformation.
Digital Transformation Profiles in Spain
Eva Collado Durán (@evacolladoduran)
This Strategic Human Capital Consultant is defined as passionate about the sector, people and organizations. Specializing in transformation processes, organizational strategy, and also lecturer, writer and trainer, Eva Collado is a true expert on Social Networks and this is demonstrated in her Twitter profile with more than 80 thousand followers.
Joana Sánchez (@ejoana)
Oriented to entrepreneurship and business management, the focus of Joana Sánchez has been on the digital transformation of large organizations and their managers. With more than 25 years of experience in the sector, she has acquired extensive experience in founding and investing in different leading companies in their sectors. With more than 55 thousand followers on its Twitter account where, actively and daily, shares content of interest related to the digital transformation.
Juan Merodio (@juanmerodio)
With more than 105 thousand followers on his Twitter account, Juan Merodio is considered one of the leading experts in Spain in Digital Marketing, Social Networks and Digital Transformation. His extensive experience in the sector has allowed him to become a lecturer and international professor of great international prestige. In addition, he is the creator of the 10 Business Factors method , a revolutionary system that helps companies define their digital strategy. And all of this, and more, he shares on his Twitter account. You can’t miss it!
Mireia Ranera San (@mranera)
With more than 30 years of experience in the management of teams and business areas related to innovation and digital strategy, Mireia Ranera stands as one of the leading Twitter profiles on Digital Transformation at the national level. In addition, her extensive experience as Partner and Director of HR 2.0 Íncipy, Digital Transformation and co-founder of Inesdi, Womenalia, Incube and Secretariaplus, allows her to always be up to date with the latest trends.
Juan Pittau (@juanpittau)
Expert in Strategy, Marketing, Digital Transformation and Sales. This is how Juan Pittau defines himself on his twitter profile which already has more than 123 thousand followers. Juan Pittau is an excellent trainer by definition and has been teaching since 2008 c ursos, seminars and consultancies related to the digital world. His interest in innovation and new technologies have allowed him to be consolidated as one of the most important profiles on Digital Transformation on a national level.