In Docuten we have opted for technological transformation since the beginning, and this time, it is our time to get a makeover.
A year ago we launched Docuten, our new electronic invoice and digital signature product, a project, which in a aesthetic corporative level, kept the essence of the two previous projects: Signedoc and HazteUnaFacturaE.
This time we opted for a change. And we have decided to reinvent ourselves and bet for a new modern simple personal appearance.

Our new logo is composed of three elements: a coin, a signature and an invoice.

All of them create a group and a concept which identifies Docuten’s sector and kind of products that we sell.
Furthermore, when changing our logo we have also decided a new corporative chromatic palette. We outgrow our previous range of blues, but we maintain our essence using a new pantone, Havelock Blue, elegant and dynamic. Also we have also chosen another color to create contrast, Galliano, in this case, more risky, bold and groundbreaking.
To make these changes, we have counted on Desenlace, a branding atelier composed by three brothers that created this new entity. Based on the simplicity that represent us, all of these changes contribute to this modern and creative character that we were looking for, preserving, this way, our brand’s essence.
Why now?
And why not?
The increase in staffing and Enxendra’s 10th anniversary. It is a time of changes, and Docuten is experimenting a metamorphosis which we could not crown in a better way.
Our company’s medium-term objective is the internationalization of our brand, for which is oriented this renovation labour, that will be completed with the transition to the brand Docuten. A way to encompass in an optimum way all of the company values.
A few days ago, we were celebrating Docuten’s first birthday and Enxendra’s 10th, and today we are celebrating a new era inside our company.
Changes are always scary, but coming to a standstill only involves conformism and makes evolution more difficult.
Our makeover is just that haircut that we ask for when we close a stage to go to a better era.