Enxendra attends the CEF eInvoicing Event organized by the European Commission

On Tuesday, May 29th, Docuten attended in Brussels the event “How e-invoicing is connecting Europe”
The session took place in a very interesting moment regarding e-invoicing in Europe: aligned with Directive 2014/55 / EU, all Member States are currently working to implement the European Regulation on Electronic Invoicing, which will entry into force will on April 18th, 2019.
The purpose of the event was to demonstrate how electronic invoicing can contribute to the formation of the Digital Single Market, help generate cross-border services and provide other benefits for citizens, businesses and Public Administrations throughout the European Union. As it is becoming a norm on the different forums treating this topic, participants and speakers insisted on the positive impact that this process will also have on the private B2B relations, and not only at a public level.
∴ Related post: The first European standard for electronic invoices has been approved and presented to the market.
At Docuten we had the opportunity to learn, share and discuss different case studies on the implementation of electronic invoicing, with a very special focus on how CIUS (Core Invoice Usage Specifications) can become a critical stopper for a wide adoption if not used appropriately.
As a Certified PEPPOL Access Point, Docuten’s e-invoicing services are strictly compliant with Directive 2014/55 / EU by supporting UBL y CII standards as defined by CEN: TS 16931-3-2 and TS 16931-3-3 specifications.
Contact us for detailed information.