Nortempo finds in the digital signature tool of Docuten a solution: “We have calculated an approximate saving of about 100,000 euros”

Nortempo is a company that, since 1991, is dedicated to the provision of human resources services and organization for other companies.
This involves the management of a very large daily volume of labour and commercial documentation. They manage more than 100,000 contracts annually, and have an extensive network of offices throughout the mainland.
Last 2017, was the first year in which the company worked throughout the year with the Docuten tool, despite having started its journey in the world of digitisation during the course of 2016.
During this first year, Nortempo made an approximate calculation of the savings involved in the use of a digitization tool such as the one provided by Docuten. Despite having excluded from their calculations data such as savings in file space in their offices, Javier Castiñeira, Territorial Director of Nortempo in Galicia, tells us in the following interview how much of a saving Docuten has meant for them in 2017, basing this calculation exclusively on time.
Besides these savings, Javier Castiñeira tells us about the advantages brought about by the integration of Docuten with its systems, since its main business activity is based, as we said before, on the management of labor relations.
Don’t miss the interview with Javier Castiñeira to learn more about the advantages of integrating Docuten, from the experience of one of our largest clients!
What were the main reasons that led you at that moment to consider the possibility of digitizing the administrative part of the business?
There were basically three reasons. First, we are a company that bases all its activity on the establishment of labor and commercial relations. Optimizing that process and making it safe and more effective was one of our main goals.
On the other hand, make it easier and more affordable for our partners. We sign approximately 100,000 contracts a year and it was important that this process should be agile.
Finally, in our sector time is quality and it is a process that the less time we take, the better, and the digitization tool allowed us to do this.
Why have you taken the decision to join Docuten to achieve this technological transformation?
On the one hand, the company that offered us the solution, generated enough solvency and security and gave us the feeling that it was a company that deserved our trust for a future relationship with the tool.
On the other hand, the tool was perfectly integrated with our systems, with our ERP, with our customer platform, etc. and that was also very important to us.
How has the internal transformation between traditional processes and new digital methods been carried out?
The tool comes to help greatly to all our staff, who had to file, sign … A very tedious process that has been removed.
Within the implementation project, we first used a pilot office, which was then used by prescribers in the rest of the network. The truth, there were no internal problems, on the contrary, it was a tool that was very well received by all the workers.
Perhaps, there was more of a resistance to change from some a collaborators. It must also be said that they are, to this day, very residual.
Within the operations department, what improvements have you achieved?
Improvements are at all levels. As I was saying, for us the whole subject of document signing is part of our business. We have obtained greater speed, greater efficiency in our processes, so that we can focus more on areas that bring value and not in administrative processes, gain transparency with our collaborators and clients through the immediacy of the documentation and the way in which they have access to it.
I believe that they have been all advantages from an operations point of view. It is part of our product and our product has been improved with this digitization tool.
At the economic level, how much of a saving has there been?
When the implementation was made, the first year of full implementation of digital signature was the year 2017, although we had already started much earlier. At that time, a calculation of saving was made and the approximate saving was about 100,000 euros net, and that being quite conservative, because there are things that were difficult to put a cost to such as a saving in space and therefore were not included, etc.. Exclusively linked to times, we calculate 100,000 euros in the first year alone.
What would you recommend to other companies in a situation similar to Nortempo at that moment?
Obviously, they should approach the process as we did, as soon as possible. In addition, the process of digitalization and digital signature of documents opens up possibilities for us and to anyone who wishes to start improving in other areas, such as the way in which documents are available, the accessibility of documents, making them available to third parties, customers, etc. From my point of view, these are all advantages.
If you want to know more about digital signature and its use cases, do not hesitate to contact us. At Docuten we specialize in digital signature solutions.