PEPPOL, Pan European Public Procurement Online, is a network of electronic distribution that facilitates the transport of electronic invoices to companies both in the public and private sectors.
Initially designed to operate within the European framework, currently PEPPOL operates as a network of global reach. As PEPPOL is simultaneously consolidated as the preferred network in the public sector, due to the interests of countries such as Germany, one of the most recent, having been chosen for the implementation of this model in the framework of the invoicing in B2G.
The National Council for IT Planning in Germany decided to select the PEPPOL network as a standard for electronic invoicing in the public sector. This decision, taken last April of 2018, sets a path for electronic invoicing in the public sector in Germany for the next few years.
However, PEPPOL is not restricted exclusively to this area, since it can be used for both invoicing in the public sector and for private clients.
This network provides a set of technical specifications that are implemented in the services offered by existing e-invoicing solutions, such as the Docuten platform. In this way, it allows them to operate between different systems across Europe by simplifying and improving the processes of digitization of companies.
Docuten provides certification for PEPPOL services. This means that through this platform, you can send electronic invoices using our platform, connecting with the PEPPOL network in a simple and effective way.
In addition, thanks to the certification PEPPOL, Docuten ensures compliance with the EU directive 2014/55 on electronic invoicing in public procurement, and the compatibility with the new European standard EN 16931, that will be of required compliance, at all levels in the public administrations of the member states, as of march 2019.