How do I create a process to digitally sign a PDF?

Uploading a document to digitally sign a PDF is simple:

  1. Sign in to your Docuten account.
  2. Click “Send document” in the menu to the left of the screen.
  3. Once on the page, click “Browse” and choose the PDF document you want to sign. This way the document will be attached.
  4. Indicate a title for the document to be signed.
  5. Finally, add the signatory (or signatories) and indicate the order in which they must sign (if there is more than one) with the arrows located on the left side, and specify the type of signature they will use. 
  6. Once this is done, click “Continue” and the document will be sent.

This is a simple way to send a document to sign. However, we offer a wide array of additional features that address all of your company’s diverse needs.

With Docuten you can digitally sign a PDF, make use of editable templates, take advantage of Fast Templates, create users and roles for different members of your team, send mass messages, send along additional documents as attachments, and much more!

To learn more about all of Docuten’s options, explore the features of our digital signature service. You can request a demo or watch this video: