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We are the ideal administrative digitalisation solution for the industrial sector

End-to-end administrative digitalisation will enable your company to automate processes and go paperless. Our digital signature and e-invoicing solutions (sent and received) will help you better manage your relationship with vendors, employees, and clients, and get on the path to smart manufacturing.

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A more complete solution

Overcome administrative obstacles with Docuten

Reduce your administrative burden, improve your relationship with stakeholders, meet legal obligations, and save time and money with digital signature and electronic invoicing.

industry 4.0

Having difficulties receiving and managing vender invoices through different systems and channels?

Receive all invoices issued by your vendors in one place. Plus, they can bill through whatever channel they like: FACeB2B, our vendor portal, or as a pdf attached to an email. Offer specific solutions for each of your vendors, even those who do not invoice in EDI format.

Reduce complexities and successfully make the shift to digital and automatic processes.

industry 4.0

Need to get a high volume of documents signed related to job safety?

Send documents for signature individually or en masse via SMS or email. Docuten offers predefined templates, the ability to add attachments, set expiration dates and issue notifications. Access documents whenever you like, and there is no need to waste paper on printing.

With Docuten’s digital signature solution, employees can fill out and sign documents from a single platform quickly and easily, wherever they are.

industry 4.0

Interested in automating the process of issuing invoices to public and private clients?

Increase control over billing by digitalising the process of issuing B2B and B2G e-invoices. With Docuten, you can send invoices in any format to public and private clients through different channels like FACe, FACeB2B and PEPPOL (for electronic invoicing in Europe). What’s more, you can sign invoices electronically with our complete service.

industry 4.0

Want to improve vendor management?

You can start by automating electronic invoices and offering solutions tailored to the technological level of each vendor. Digitalising processes will also make things easier and more streamlined for your vendors: they can sign documents and contracts with digital signature or receive updates on the status of invoices with automatic notifications.


“We used to get documents signed through traditional means (on paper) but now handle everything digitally through the Docuten platform. In a matter of minutes, documents are sent, signed and stored on the same platform, and we can quickly access them, always. Our company has not only saved money, but tons of time— time that our team now dedicates to other important business activities.”

Silvia Figuera — Head of HR Management and Personnel Administration


What can Docuten offer my company?

In addition to extensive knowledge of the sector, Docuten provides everything you need for industry 4.0 digital transformation in a single platform. Here are some examples of how your company can improve efficiency:

industry 4.0 Problem

industry 4.0 Solution

pharmaceutical industry High volume of administrative tasks in the pharmaceutical industry

The pharmaceutical industry receives thousands of invoices from vendors through different means and channels. In addition to the disorganisation this causes, invoices have to be approved by different decision-makers manually, which is highly inefficient.

Similarly, signing and managing contracts in a traditional way (travel, meetings, mailings) is often unproductive and delays the process.

Receive invoices, implement approval flows and rely on digital signature Receive invoices, implement approval flows and rely on digital signature

Receive all your invoices digitally through various channels to one place: Docuten. All your invoices are securely stored and easily located on our platform. Plus, you can set up customised approval flows that will be launched automatically.

With Docuten’s digital signature solution, you no longer have to get contracts signed manually. Send and sign all kinds of documents digitally, quickly and efficiently. Our services are legally compliant and enable your company to responsibly go paperless.

Little control over vendor management and billing Little control over vendor management and billing in the food industry

The geographic dispersion of factories and warehouses in the food industry causes delays in receiving invoices and increases human error.

Handling elevated volumes of billing comes at a higher cost, and can also cause noncompliance with legal obligations.

 Receive invoices electronically Receive invoices electronically

Digitalisation eliminates problems associated with offshoring and speeds up the collections process. Receive electronic invoices through different channels and have them automatically indexed in your systems in an orderly and accessible manner, all through a single platform.

Eliminate slow and inefficient processes that often cause misplaced invoices and billing oversights, and improve your relationship with vendors.

Companies dedicated to electrical installation and HVAC services Companies dedicated to electrical installation and HVAC services face a lack of traceability when signing documents

Hiring personnel and getting labor documentation signed in different locations without digital processes takes longer due to in-person meetings or waiting on documents to arrive by mail.

Handling these processes the old-fashioned way makes it difficult to stay on top of documentation, wastes time, and is highly inefficient.

Digitally transform the process of signing employee contracts. Digitally transform the process of signing employee contracts

Get all labor documentation signed digitally through Docuten, quickly, easily and without cumbersome paperwork— anytime, anywhere.

Archive and safeguard all your documents in the same platform, plus any audit records collected during their life cycle. This allows you to have better control over your documents.

More advantages


Signing documents and sending / receiving invoices electronically translates to a significant reduction in the use of paper, which means less deforestation and reduced environmental impact.

Security & compliance

Our solutions allow companies to comply with European legislation and beyond. We offer security in the exchange of documents and communications, complying with the strictest security regulations. Docuten holds the information security certificate based on the requirements established by the international standard ISO 27001.


Eliminate unnecessary manual tasks, save money (compared to traditional processes) and avoid errors. Industry 4.0 and the transition to digitalisation streamlines operations and increases productivity.

Integrate with Docuten and enjoy its advantages Benefits to our API


“Being able to immediately get a document signed by a collaborator (regardless of his or her location), meeting legal requirements and having the signed document on a server for later access made us rethink the way we work, and how we manage documentation. Implementing Docuten made even more sense during the pandemic.”


Industry 4.0 |

A more complete solution for administrative digitalisation

Download our Whitepaper on digital signature and electronic invoicing in the industrial sector, and start the process of administrative digitalisation in your company.

industry 4.0 What is electronic invoicing, digital signature and SII?

industry 4.0 How can Docuten help?

industry 4.0 Use cases in the industrial sector

industry 4.0 Success stories in the industrial sector

industry 4.0

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